Dr Ellahham is currently Cleveland Clinic Caregiver, Cleveland, US seconded as Senior Cardiovascular Consultant and Quality Advisor in Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi. Dr. Ellahham received his undergraduate degree in biology and his M.D. from the American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon. Dr Ellahham finished his internal medicine residency in Georgetown University Hospital - Washington Hospital Center and his fellowship in Cardiology at the Virginia Commonwealth University Health System in USA. Dr. Ellahham worked in Washington DC in Georgetown University Hospital - Washington Hospital Center and in several clinical and leadership positions before moving to UAE in 2008. Dr. Ellahham continues to be an active clinician. He demonstrates great skill and experience in the management of patients with heart failure, ischemic heart disease, and valvular heart disease and led a multi-disciplinary team in the care and delivery of advanced therapies to these patients. He has unique abilities to partner and engage local and regional referring providers. He can work in a highly matrixed environment, possess strong leadership and organizational skills and have experience to working effectively in a large health system. He led the First AHA GWTG Heart Failure Initiative outside US and was the recipient of the AHA GWTG Award in Wash. DC. He is the champion of the AHA GWTG in the region.
Research Interest
heart failure, acute coronary syndromes, frailty, dyslipidemia, accreditation, second victim phenomenon, resilience, innovation, artificial intelligence, telehealth, block chain, patient flow, patient experience and engagement, lean-six sigma, patient safety, bowtie risk management tool and KPI management.
Jerzy Leszek, M.D. Ph.D Professor of Psychiatry Dr Jerzy Leszek is Professor of Psychiatry, Vice-Head of the Department of Psychiatry , Head of Alzheimer’s Disease Lab at the Medical University in Wroclaw , and Scientific Director of Alzheimer’s Disease Center in Scinawa near Wroclaw, Poland. He graduated at Medical University of Wroclaw in 2005, was awarded a doctorate in Wroclaw in 2007 and in 2011- examination for the degree of associate professor of psychiatry and since 2013 he is working as full professor of psychiatry at Wroclaw Medical University. He is author and co-author more than 540 papers (especially from old age psychiatry), some chapters to the books published in reputed Polish and international journals and serving as an editorial board member of several journals .He is Editor –in-Chief of Journal of Yoga and Physical Activity. He is Scientific Editor and co-author of first Polish academic handbook on Alzheimer’s disease and ten another academic handbooks from old age psychiatry(Polish and internationals) , member a lot of scientific associations e .g founder and president of Lower Silesian Association of Alzheimer’s Families, first of its kind in Poland ,President of the Scientific Council of Alzheimer’s Disease Center in Scinawa, near Wroclaw , Former President and founder of Polish Psychogeriatric Association, Former Secretary(now member) of European Old Age Psychiatry and Former Member of Board of Directions of International Psychogeriatric Association.
Research Interest
Neurodegeneration processes/Alzheimer’s disease Therapy of dementia disorders in the light of new technologies :nanotechnology, proteomics, metabolomics, genomic medicine, personalized therapy Molecular base of neurodegenerative disorders Rehabilitation and physical activity of dementia disorders

Dr. Ian James Martins
Senior Researcher
Edith Cowan University,Australia
Dr Martins completed his undergraduate Science degree at the University of Western Australia in 1984, then completing a MSc in Clinical Biochemistry in 1986. In 1987 he commenced a Ph D studying the role of high density lipoprotein (HDL) in diabetes (Hackett Scholarship). In 1993 he was awarded a Saw fellowship from the University of Western Australia to conduct studies relating to the metabolism of chylomicrons and their remnants and the influence of size and composition on their clearance from blood and its importance to atherosclerosis. The publications between 1988-2000 have shown that Dr Martins has made a valuable and solid contribution to the field of atherosclerosis and heart disease. His work has concentrated on understanding the role of dietary cholesterol rich particles and the subsequent clearance and metabolism from the blood plasma and their potential risk for the development of heart disease. These research studies have shown that the type of dietary fat and increased consumption are important risk factors for heart disease.
Research Interest
Anti-Aging, Global Health and Chronic Disease, QUALITY CONTROL (plasma/sera samples)